America the Dream

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

This is the very foundation upon which America was born. The right of the people to choose their destiny, not a political party, not a king, not a dictator. From our very beginning we went to war to protect these rights for ourselves and our children and our children’s children. We fought the British for a second time, we fought the muslims on the coast of Africa for capturing and enslaving our seamen. We fought against our own system in the great Civil War to insure that “all men ARE created equal”. The “Greatest Generation” went to war in the 1940s to insure we never had to bow down to any dictator. Now it seems America has lost it’s way.

 At the end of WW2 America had become the ideal and envy of the world. We were a super-power with enormous wealth and world destroying weaponry. Our Congress became corrupted with power and money on a scale no one could have comprehended. They started to look at other countries and meddle in their affairs, including overthrowing those governments and installing puppets of the U.S. This only inspired and infuriated our enemies. Politicians and corrupt war mongering generals decided that we should interfere in civil wars of others like Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and numerous others, sacrificing our sons and daughters up for the slaughter. All in the name of Democracy and national interest while the reality is the politicians were enriching their coffers with defense contracts and big donations from unknown donors. As we now can see in hindsight did nothing but destabilize the world.

Meanwhile, our children were being brainwashed and dumbed-down in school by Socialist Marxist baby-boomers brought up by the very people who went through World War 2. Talk about a complete turn-about. It is mind boggling how a generation who’s grand fathers and grand mothers fought against National Socialism and Communism became exactly what their grandparents fought against. These Generation Xer’s did so much damage in one decade by bringing about such radical change in the minds of children that it will take another generation to correct it. Now we are left with Millennials that seems to lack direction or purpose. Fortunately there are still some who dream the American dream and are willing to work to achieve it, not rely on government hand-outs and live off the government dole. Thank God for these. As long as we have those who will lead and not follow, there is still a chance for America.

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Black History Month

I’ve been listening to “black history” for the last 10 years. If Portland, Baltimore, Detroit, Minneapolis, NYC, and BLM are examples of black history, you can keep it. How about the rest of the cultures in the U.S.? You insult Italian history by tearing down their Columbus statues. You insult all whites by calling them racists, crackers, honkys, and punch little old ladies in the head on the streets and you want me to respect your “culture”? You burn and loot cities every chance you get. I watch blacks murdering blacks on the news every night in cities all over America, yet the media swoons over your race like it is Godly. All I see is a bunch of jungle bunnies running around the country defecating all over American ideals and principles. I see NOTHING about your culture I would even consider as great.

You want respect? Start teaching your children manners and civil responsibility. Start by showing responsibility yourselves by stopping spreading your legs with every man you come in contact with and getting pregnant then expecting the tax-payers to pay for them the rest of their lives. Go to school and learn how to speak properly so we don’t have to try to decipher what the Hell you’re saying. Show respect for the Police, maybe they won’t be so apprehensive when coming in contact with you. And last but not least, get that chip off your shoulder. Nobody owes you anything. You were never an American slave. Your mother and father wasn’t a slave. You do not deserve reparations.

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I have been biting my lip trying hard not to say anything on this racial discourse going on in the U.S. over the last couple of weeks. I’ve heard the term “Black lives Matter” over and over until I’m ready to vomit. They yell black lives matter while beating up their own neighbors, robbing, burning and looting neighborhood stores. What about ALL Lives Matter when you are shooting at police? Can you really expect me to have sympathy or respect for you when you riot and act like barbarians? You are helping to make people like me a racist by your barbaric actions rather than have me on your side. NOW my blood-pressure is pegging and I’m going to blow, so here goes!

As an average “white” person, I am appalled by what happened to Mr. Floyd. I can’t find any justification why any police need to do that to a citizen regardless of color. This is not Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. Police should not be acting like Storm Troopers or Gestapo agents. They are not the KGB. Stop this militarization of our local police NOW. Remove the military equipment, dress, weapons and attitude. Those things are and should be reserved for specialized units like SWAT. In saying this I also want to make one thing clear. WHY? Why are the police being so aggressive to these individuals in the first place? What has been going on with these people in the cities that these police feel the need for violent take-downs? I’m sure these cops don’t get up that morning and say, “Today I’m going to f**k up a N*ggr. There may be some skinheads on various forces that may say that, but I don’t believe it’s a normal occasion. Something is very wrong. Somehow, we need to really find the root cause of these violent attacks by police.

And I am tired of the sleezy politicians and brainless Hollywooders telling me I should pay reparations for the injustices upon the black community. I say, they should pay me. My ancestors went down south and fought the Democrats to free the slaves. Many didn’t come back. I may have been a rich landowner if my ancestor didn’t die in that civil war and my family went bankrupt over it. So they OWE ME. I “owe” them nothing. Now let me make one thing perfectly clear. Yes I am White. I am not privileged. I grew up poor. Nobody gave me breaks. “I” had to work hard to get anything I wanted. “I” put myself through school. “I” worked long hours to be able to buy my first car. Rather than be drafted “I” chose to join the army during the Vietnam war to be able to get a better career. I did that so I wouldn’t be a ground-pounder/grunt in the infantry and maybe end up dead in Vietnam. I made the choices necessary to get me where I am today. So when somebody tries to tell me I owe them or I’m “privileged” I say “F**k OFF”!

This is America, all citizens are Americans, they’re not African-Americans, they’re not Asian-Americans, they’re not Irish, Italian, Russian, Jewish-Americans, they are just plain Americans. These hyphens are part of the problem with racial bias in this country. You wish to identify yourself as your family heritage rather than your American heritage. Your family came here to escape the injustice or poverty where they were born to make a new life as an American. Even you Africans who came here as slaves. You are not any more “entitled” to anything more than anyone else. Almost every nationality in the world has a history of enslavement. You’re not special so stop the drama. You are lucky you were freed from slavery and were able to stay here. Many people even today have not yet escaped slavery. Ask anyone who escaped from North Korea.



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Your trash, my treasure

I was brought up in small towns in Massachusetts. My father worked in road construction so we moved from town to town as he got jobs. We were poor because he was an alcoholic and would drink away most of his wages. As a child, we didn’t have Christmas like other families. My parents didn’t even put up a tree most of the time. When I was 12 we ended up in a small country town that had a regional dump near the river. All the garbage trucks from several well-to-do towns would come on Saturday to empty their trash in the dump.

One Saturday I went down to the dump to watch the trucks come in and dump their loads. As I was standing there I noticed a bicycle frame get dumped out onto the ground. Once the truck left I went over to check it out. There was little damage to the frame and it even had a rear wheel attached. That’s when I got hooked. I realized that if I would put the effort in, I could have anything I desired. I brought the bike home and decided to go back and look for a front wheel. In one of the piles of garbage from the week before I found it. There was a bike with a damaged frame and rear wheel but a front wheel that was in fine condition. Waalah! Now I had a complete working bicycle. I re-painted the frame, patched the leaking tire tube and had a perfectly good working bicycle. Now I had to learn to ride it. From that day forward, I became the richest kid in town. I would go to the dump every Saturday morning early before anyone else was up and wait for the trucks.

There was a scrap-man that lived down the street from the dump. As a younger man, he would go over to the dump and gather up the metals. Now he was old and preferred my getting it for him. He would buy aluminum, copper, brass items from me as long as they were clean. I would spend the morning gathering any scrap aluminum, copper, or brass and sell these to the scrap-man. By the end of the morning, I would walk away with $10 to $20 pocket money too. For a 12 year old, that was good money in the 60s.  I learned early in life that if you want something bad enough, you had to work for it. Now I was a middle-man gathering up used goods and re-selling them. Some days I would find a boxes full of magazines and comic books and even toys. Sometimes I would even find jewelry, like rings, bracelets, etc.

Of course, like any young man your priorities shift with age and you find your interests change. At 15 years old, I was beginning to be more interested in girls and would spend less time at the dump and more time with the girls in town. Eventually, I no longer had the interest in my weekend excursions and like always, my family was on the move again. This time the family fell apart. My mother left my dad and my siblings went their own way. Soon after that I moved too and started a new life in Connecticut staying with one of my sisters until I got my own place and a real job. I have to say, that time of my life was the best. I learned how to make and manage money. I learned how to repair just about anything and become independent. That was my training ground for my future successful career as a maintenance technician.


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CNN live broadcast from Berlin 1944: a fun fictitious short story which probably could be true knowing CNN.

Hello, this is CNN 1944 broadcasting live from Berlin Germany. Jim Acosta has been covering the war around the world reporting live from Berlin. Acosta,”Good evening friends I am Jim Acosta reporting to you live from Berlin where I has an exclusive interview with duly elected Chancellor Adolf Hitler”. “Mr. Chancellor, if I may ask you a few questions the world would like answered”? Mr. Hitler, “By all means heir Acosta”. Acosta, “There are rumors Chancellor that the Allies are planning to invade France by summer. Have you considered a strategy to stop them”? “Ya, heir Acosta, We have sent our best general Rommel to France to do just that”. Acosta, “Will he be in Normandy where the allies plan to land”? Hitler, “Normandy”?, I was thinking north of there. But you have a good point. We will look into it”.

Acosta, “Now on the subject of Jews Mr. Chancellor, we have heard there is a mass extermination going on. Can you verify that, that is not happening”? Hitler, “Purely propaganda”. “No such thing is happening”. They are being placed in internment camps for their own protection”. Acosta, “May I go to the camps heir Hitler”? Hitler, “No, there is no time. You have my word on it”. Acosta, “There you have it America. True to his word he is not killing Jews. Roosevelt is lying to you”.

Acosta, “Sir, rumor has it the U.S. is developing an atomic bomb, are you aware of that”? Hitler, “No but we will look into it”. Acosta, “Are you protecting your scientists from being kidnapped by the allies”? Hitler, we are now”!

Acosta, “We have heard Roosevelt has polio and is crippled. What is your opinion of having an adversary that is a cripple”? Hitler, “I wondered why he never was seen going to a briefing”. “He’s an inbred American elitist, I have more respect for that monkey Stalin. That’s why we are creating a superior race”.

Acosta, “Now heir Hitler one last question if I may”…… Hitler, “No more questions heir Acosta, I have a country to run”. Acosta, But but, but heir Hitler, we have many…… Hitler, “did I say no more questions?” Acosta, “Sir we….. Hitler, “Gestapo, get this asshole out and shoot him!”

We should be so lucky!

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A House Divided Cannot Stand

As this phrase says with all it’s wisdom America is a house divided. 2016 brought about an ideological, spiritual, racial, moral and political revolution. Not that that isn’t a good thing to some regard, but it has divided the nation to the point of what is being considered “Good vs Evil”. One important thing that has come out of this division is the American people have exposed the corruption in their government at all levels. We now know there is an un-elected “Deep State” shadowy presence manipulating politicians and policies that is unapproved, nor legal in it’s existence. It permeates the government like a Cancer. It defies the will of the people and their elected officials by resisting, subverting and tampering with public policy and the people’s agenda. This of course is not new. This is an arm of the New World Order. A group of super rich elitists, driven by Satan and bent on control of the world. They have been operating behind the scenes almost since the founding of this country, but has finally surfaced where it has been exposed.

The only reason it did not show it’s head previously is because Godly men who built this country kept them in check. Once America turned away from God and more toward Secularism their power grew. They started by placing their evil puppets in high places. They undermined the country by creating a Federal Reserve to steal our finances from our elected Congress and gave it to world banks to control. Then they placed people in the education systems to remove God from the schools and breed God-less generations of children with little morals. Then they slithered like a snake into local governments where they removed references of religion from public property in the guise of unconstitutionality. Now they are attempting to remove history and place their own version in it’s place. They have infiltrated our school systems, political offices, labor, media and military. This same Deep State is stirring the pot of black and white hatred by agitating Blacks to riot, loot and destroy while calling it “protesting”, knowing full well that will only incite the Whites to show more animosity against them. Their objective is to bring the country to it’s knees through constant anarchy, chaos, insurrection and disobedience for law and order.

Bottom line is that unless Republicans and Democrats, Blacks and Whites, all races in America can get past all the lying and BS from the media and join together, America will be lost in the oblivion of all the empires of the past. It is our choice. We can’t pass it on to the next generation. We can’t ignore it. It’s now or never.

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GAWD these liberals drive me nutz

Can you go a day watching the news without screaming and pulling your hair out? I can’t! How these liberals can continually lie, twist, pervert, exploit, deny, distort, criticize and do all this with a smile when it comes to protecting their corrupt comrades and perverse values is beyond my comprehension. How can a Democratic U.S. Senator sit on their hands and scowl when the President says he wants to protect the American citizens from illegal foreigners who are criminals? Why would any U.S. politician want to fight against protecting our borders? And why would a Congressman of any party affiliation refuse to fund the citizens of the United States over protecting the illegal invaders who have come into our country uninvited? If anyone can explain that to me with some logical answer, I’m waiting.

the dead

I have heard on many occasion that “Liberalism” is a mental disorder. I am now inclined to believe that after watching the SOTU address and the Democrats in the House. Absolutely nothing the President had to say was acceptable to them. Even when he made similar comments that their previous Democratic President said. Of course they applauded for those. Shows us one thing. These liberal Progressive politicians are not for the American people. They are not for a secure America. They are not for a prosperous America. And they are not for the Constitutional laws of the land. They have their own agenda and NOTHING is acceptable to them except for that. And what is that agenda you ask? It can be summed up in a very short few words. They are a pro-Marxist globalist UN backed Communist Party. So what is their platform compared to the communist manifesto?

Communists want business under their control. Democrats want businesses under government control

Communists want to make everyone financially equal. Democrats want to punish anyone making more than their workers.

Communists want to control the Stock Markets. Democrats want to regulate it completely.

Communists want to destroy family values. Democrats want to force people to accept ethnic/homosexual differences by threatening imprisonment if necessary.

Communists want total control over individual rights. Democrats want to Increase government control over all aspects of your life.

Communists want to rig elections to their benefit. Democrats are rigging elections and trying to allow illegals to vote to undermine the U.S. election system.

Communists want to control birth by forcing birth control and abortions. Democrats want abortion on demand and would force them if they could.

And last but not least. Communists want to remove any opposition to their agenda. Democrats want to outlaw Americans owning guns to ensure their complete government control.

If you look at the Democratic platform you will notice they’ve touched on every aspect of your life and society. They want total control just like the Communists. In fact after the 1950s purge of Communism the Socialist/Communists blended into the Democratic party.

Finally, if you’ve paid any attention to the news you would have noticed how the Liberal Progressive Democrats are always calling Conservatives “Nazis”, “Hitler”, “Racists”, “Homophobic”, “Islamophobic”, etc. If you look at the Communist manifesto you will see that is a KEY feature to promote Communism. Accuse the opposition of the very core of your own agenda.

Well, enough of this subject. I’ve already got a headache again.



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Trump’s first 100 days

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Congressional Walking Dead

During the Trump address to Congress on Tuesday February 29, it was apparent that the Leftist Socialist Democraps have no intention of working with the opposite party what-so-ever. When Trump mentioned victims of illegal aliens they moaned like protecting citizens is a criminal act. I guess when you are the party of murdering babies why should I be surprised if they don’t care for any American citizens? The Demoncrap party has shown us they are clearly against American exceptionalism and only for UN New World Order imperialism. Was also funny to see the Immoral Congressional whores dressed up in white like they were some kind of virgins or something. dc-whores

Spent most of the night with their thumbs up their vagina. Then when President Trump acknowledged the wife of slain Seal Team soldier they looked irritated like they didn’t want to stand up. In fact, some didn’t and some sat back down early during the applause. rats-sitting

Real doghouse sluts. Many of the blacks and other delegates refused to stand for any proposals the President made that improved citizens’ financial, education or healthcare. I guess the Black Caucas Elitist Gangsta’s don’t want their kind getting anywhere unless they get a cut. Again, where is their allegiance? Some like McConnell looked totally uninterested. We surely pay him too much. And the final icing on the cake was the Democrat rebuttal. They put on the EX-governor of Kentucky who got ousted by a Republican to combat President Trump’s speech. He claimed they have the best Obamacare in the country, like 20 minutes after POTUS remarked how Kentucky Obamacare is imploding. And unemployment is rising. He’s criticizing Trump’s immigration policy, saying Immigrants are vital to Kentucky’s economy. I guess he would rather see immigrants employed than his own citizens. Amazing how he got so many statues to stay behind him during the rebuttal. And of course he and the lib media made sure they promoted some Republicans were there with him too. Maybe RINOs. That’s about it. Dems really dug a bigger hole for themselves that night. Now all they have to do is jump in.

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MSM and Liberals fiddle while Sweden burns

Rape in Sweden is up nearly 70%. MSM wants us to believe the vast majority of these are committed by men with names like Sven and Ludvig.fake-news

Pretty pathetic when your own government denies there’s a problem while your women are being molested and raped in the streets. Politicians should be hung as a reminder what honesty is about.


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