The World of Social (Socialist) Media and Friends

You have to laugh when Television, Radio and Internet infer the news as “Fair and unbiased”. This is further from the truth as you can be. What is even MORE laughable is Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are called “Social Media”. There’s nothing “Social” about Facebook and Twitter. They are nothing but talking head censures of the Progressive Nazi/Marxist parties. If anything, they should call themselves the Socialist Media. Also, the news media has become the propaganda arm of the Liberal Progressives. How many times have you found yourself listening or watching the news and within minutes they are bashing, belittling, ranting on, laughing at or loathing some Conservative guest or comment? I’ve seen it daily while they drool and slobber over every word some incompetent, immoral, drugged-up Liberal has to say. Getting more and more sickening daily. Unfortunately there is nowhere else to go. You are controlled by Marxist newpapers, Marxist Google, Marxist Microsoft and Marxist Apple. There is no alternative.

The Liberal Progressives and their criminal friends have been stealing, taking bribes, embezzling, and fraudulently making millions on deals with the Communist regimes like China, Russia, Iran, etc. When they are found out, they immediately get the media to squash the story or twist it like it’s a lie. If neither of those tactics work, they go into reverse role mode and put the blame on the other party while the media backs them up. Hitler would have loved this media today. Couldn’t have asked for a better group of corrupt news outlets to spread his propaganda. They’ve picked a good generation to fool. This generation of Americans don’t watch TV. Don’t pay attention to what’s going on in the world and are constantly texting, not knowing where they are going. Only “news” they get is the talking bits from Socialist media on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram. They only believe what they hear on those platforms. Brainwashed, one and all. Unless something changes in this country we will collapse from within. And I’m afraid the powers-to-be want it that way.

About riffarr

Commonsense Conservative Christian with my own mind. Media doesn't control me. Politicians don't control me. I make my decisions based on facts and common sense.
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