Congressional Walking Dead

During the Trump address to Congress on Tuesday February 29, it was apparent that the Leftist Socialist Democraps have no intention of working with the opposite party what-so-ever. When Trump mentioned victims of illegal aliens they moaned like protecting citizens is a criminal act. I guess when you are the party of murdering babies why should I be surprised if they don’t care for any American citizens? The Demoncrap party has shown us they are clearly against American exceptionalism and only for UN New World Order imperialism. Was also funny to see the Immoral Congressional whores dressed up in white like they were some kind of virgins or something. dc-whores

Spent most of the night with their thumbs up their vagina. Then when President Trump acknowledged the wife of slain Seal Team soldier they looked irritated like they didn’t want to stand up. In fact, some didn’t and some sat back down early during the applause. rats-sitting

Real doghouse sluts. Many of the blacks and other delegates refused to stand for any proposals the President made that improved citizens’ financial, education or healthcare. I guess the Black Caucas Elitist Gangsta’s don’t want their kind getting anywhere unless they get a cut. Again, where is their allegiance? Some like McConnell looked totally uninterested. We surely pay him too much. And the final icing on the cake was the Democrat rebuttal. They put on the EX-governor of Kentucky who got ousted by a Republican to combat President Trump’s speech. He claimed they have the best Obamacare in the country, like 20 minutes after POTUS remarked how Kentucky Obamacare is imploding. And unemployment is rising. He’s criticizing Trump’s immigration policy, saying Immigrants are vital to Kentucky’s economy. I guess he would rather see immigrants employed than his own citizens. Amazing how he got so many statues to stay behind him during the rebuttal. And of course he and the lib media made sure they promoted some Republicans were there with him too. Maybe RINOs. That’s about it. Dems really dug a bigger hole for themselves that night. Now all they have to do is jump in.

About riffarr

Commonsense Conservative Christian with my own mind. Media doesn't control me. Politicians don't control me. I make my decisions based on facts and common sense.
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