America the Dream

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

This is the very foundation upon which America was born. The right of the people to choose their destiny, not a political party, not a king, not a dictator. From our very beginning we went to war to protect these rights for ourselves and our children and our children’s children. We fought the British for a second time, we fought the muslims on the coast of Africa for capturing and enslaving our seamen. We fought against our own system in the great Civil War to insure that “all men ARE created equal”. The “Greatest Generation” went to war in the 1940s to insure we never had to bow down to any dictator. Now it seems America has lost it’s way.

 At the end of WW2 America had become the ideal and envy of the world. We were a super-power with enormous wealth and world destroying weaponry. Our Congress became corrupted with power and money on a scale no one could have comprehended. They started to look at other countries and meddle in their affairs, including overthrowing those governments and installing puppets of the U.S. This only inspired and infuriated our enemies. Politicians and corrupt war mongering generals decided that we should interfere in civil wars of others like Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and numerous others, sacrificing our sons and daughters up for the slaughter. All in the name of Democracy and national interest while the reality is the politicians were enriching their coffers with defense contracts and big donations from unknown donors. As we now can see in hindsight did nothing but destabilize the world.

Meanwhile, our children were being brainwashed and dumbed-down in school by Socialist Marxist baby-boomers brought up by the very people who went through World War 2. Talk about a complete turn-about. It is mind boggling how a generation who’s grand fathers and grand mothers fought against National Socialism and Communism became exactly what their grandparents fought against. These Generation Xer’s did so much damage in one decade by bringing about such radical change in the minds of children that it will take another generation to correct it. Now we are left with Millennials that seems to lack direction or purpose. Fortunately there are still some who dream the American dream and are willing to work to achieve it, not rely on government hand-outs and live off the government dole. Thank God for these. As long as we have those who will lead and not follow, there is still a chance for America.

About riffarr

Commonsense Conservative Christian with my own mind. Media doesn't control me. Politicians don't control me. I make my decisions based on facts and common sense.
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